Bike trip 2009: High Cliff State Park to Point Beach State Forest

Leon's Frozen Custard in Oshkosh, WI.

High Cliff State Park.

Lake Winnebago.

Our campsite.

The fire pollution's pretty effects.

String cheese break.

Ant Lion.

Lake Michigan.



Northern Crescent.

The Ranger.

A Red-Spotted Purole drinking Gaterade.

The same butterfly shows the iridescent upper side of the wings.

Megan's sick with a cold.

Thomas's solo outing.



Sand dunes.

Anthills and antlion funnels.

Promethea moth female waiting for a partner.

Silvery Checkerspot.

Boring Bike Ride.


Read the full story below:

Thomas would like to start this story with "This weekend we took our female Promethea Moth on her second bike trip in order to find a male for her".
Thursday (we had the 3rd off from work) we stopped in Oshkosh at Leon's Frozen Custard because Megan did some research on good places to eat on the way and this place was rated the best. It was a drive in where the girl runs to your car to take your order if you turn your lights on for service. We ordered two joos burgers (sloppy joes, luckily Megan did her research and knew those were the thing to order) and a shake and a chocolate custard. It was fun.

Then we arrived at the campground and it was still light enough to set up and go for a hike to see the sunset.

Friday we set out at 11 AM. Megan had woken up with a sore throat but decided to bike anyway. We soon found out that these were more straight, treeless, and super smelly cow farm roads. We made it to the park at 4:30 PM and the lady at the check in said they had no more spots. We told her that I'd written the manager and that they would save a spot for bikers. She said no, but then she called the ranger and gave us two options of where we could stay. We picked the spot with the view of Lake Michigan, although she warned us that it wouldn't be pretty and that people would be walking in our campsite because it would be a busy day Saturday and kids would be screaming. She also asked how far we had come, and I said 45 miles and then she said she didn't know where that was, so then I said Madison, so then she said ok they'd give us a place to stay but that if we'd come from Green Bay she'd turn us away (she obviously wasn't familiar with state park rules). We set up camp and knew we had the most beautiful site in the park. Then we went to a bar that Megan's co worker recommended. He said it was a mile or 1.5 miles down the street but we didn't find it until we biked 4 miles, but it was worth the extra pedaling. The place was packed so we ended up sharing a table with some locals who we talked to so it was fun. We got the Friday fish fry special with potato wedges and split a pitcher of leinie's red. Then we biked home, went on a night hike on the lake, and went to bed.

Saturday Megan woke up sick. A ranger stuck his head in our tent and told us that we had to move our tent, but that we could sleep in and move it later but we'd have to go to the front desk (a mile from our site) to check in again. We took out time getting ready and then he told us that a site opened up so we could go check into that site. We had ramen noodles for breakfast because Megan was sick. We packed all up and rechecked in and unpacked (we got site 10 and it was very nice and wooded) and ate lunch and then Megan needed to take a nap because she was not feeling well. Megan napped all afternoon and Thomas went on some Lake Michigan hikes. At night there were fireworks down the street but Megan still didn't feel well so Thomas made a giant fire (a guy leaving early offered Thomas his firewood) that made us warm. Megan went to bed early and then Sunday morning woke up, took some Ibuprofen, and was able to make the bike ride back, although her nose was running all day long. We stopped at Leon's frozen custard again for dinner. We biked 101.7 miles, 9.1 mph average, and spent 11 hours and 5 minutes on the bikes. It was very windy on the way back so that slowed us down.

Thomas found a dead female of the Promethea Moth which told him that the species is already flying in that area.

Thomas saw a lot of baby racoons around our tent on night 1, and heard a great horned owl on night 3.

Also Thomas was wearing his neon yellow vest around the campground and people mistook him for a ranger. One lady was questioning him about safe drinking water, and other people were all waving to him (or maybe they were all just extra friendly).

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